Markers of export specialization




theory of comparative advantages, RCA, export specialization, trade policy, WTO, UNCTAD, ITC.


The article is dedicated to summarizing the main provisions of the theory of comparative advantages and its practical application in the context of modern globalization processes. The main advantages of the theory are identified, as well as the limitations of the theoryʼs application are outlined. It is emphasized that the theoretical foundations are widely used by analytical centres, particularly the World Trade Organization, to analyse global trade trends and policies. The purpose of the study is to empirically establish the relationship between the revealed comparative advantage (RCA) index and the level of export specialization of countries in order to deter­mine the potential of RCA for use in the development process of trade policy. In the course of the study, a hypothesizes was put forward about the dependence between a high RCA index for certain product groups and the countryʼs export specialization. The research methodology is based on the processing of theore­tical and statistical data, there analysis and evalua­tion to study and draw conclusions about the corres­pondence between calculated RCA data and actual export specialization on the example of the USA. It is analysed whether the USA specializes in product groups with a high comparative advantage. Data on the 3-digit version of the SITC for 971 commodity groups published by UN-COMTRADE were used. The study indicates that the USAʼs comparative advantage is concentrated in sectors such as raw materials (cotton, grains, corn, oilseeds and fruits, ores and concentrates of precious metals), energy (liquefied propane and butane), weapons and ammunition, as well as luxury and collectible items. Trade indicators presented on the International Trade Centreʼs website were examined. It is noted that for the selected posi­tions, the export specialization of the USA in these product groups with a high comparative advantage can be traced. It is emphasized that the RCA index is a useful tool for determining a countryʼs export specialization, but it has its limitations. Decisions in the field of foreign trade policy should be based on a comprehensive analysis that takes into account a wide range of factors, from economic to geopolitical.

Author Biography

Oksana MELNICHUK , Vinnitsa Trade and Economic Institute of State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and International Relations


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How to Cite

MELNICHUK О. 2024. Markers of export specialization. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 136, 5 (Oct. 2024), 34–49. DOI:

