Re-emigration of Ukrainian refugees




migration policy, population migration, refugees from the war, national security, re-emigration.


Based on the analysis of the social composition and material and financial support of Ukrainian refugees from the war, the prospects of their return after the end of hostilities have been determined. The hypothesis is put forward that if the current Russian-Ukrainian war takes the form of a "frozen" conflict with the end of active hostilities after the conclusion of an agreement or a series of cease-fire agreements,  this may accelerate the return to the homeland of a significant part of Ukrainian refugees who have found refuge in the countries of the European Union. Based on the analysis of the attitude of Ukrainians, who received temporary shelter abroad, to returning to Ukraine, depending on the scale and nature of the armed confrontation with the Russian Federation and the actions of the Ukrainian government, the conditions for the increase in the number of those who are ready to return are predicted. Specific conditions of competition in the internal labor market under the conditions of employment of re-emigrants are highlighted. National and regional programs that should contribute to the return of a significant part of Ukrainian refugees from the war to Ukraine are characterized, as well as factors that can cause a reverse effect and a surge of migration abroad for the reunification of families outside the borders of our state. With the help of sociological and orientation-value methods , the hypothesis, that is put forward on the basis of the results of sociolo­gical surveys, was tested, that the main condition for the return of Ukrainian refugees from the war to their homeland is, first of all, ensuring the level of personal security, which they associate with the cessation of wartime or hostilities, and the prospect of obtaining a well-paid job and the level of socializa­tion do not play a decisive role in making a decision on re-emigration. The relationship between the perception of the prospects for the end of the current Russian-Ukrainian war and the return of Ukrainians, primarily from European countries, to their homeland is determined, considering that the vast majority of those who left are women with children. The impact of regional competition on the labor market in Ukraine on the implementation of relevant programs for the return of Ukrainian refugees from the war was evaluated.

Author Biography

Kateryna NIKOLAIETS, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor, Professor at the Department of Economics and Competition Policy


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How to Cite

NIKOLAIETS К. 2024. Re-emigration of Ukrainian refugees. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 135, 4 (Sep. 2024), 52–68. DOI:

