Decarbonization of global industry
global economy, green-digital transition, digitalisation, climate neutrality, global industry, energy, energy, energy-as-a-service.Abstract
The impact of digitalisation on the global processes of decarbonisation of the world economy is considered. Using the example of global energy and industry, the strategic prospects for implementing a double green-digital transition to achieve climate neutrality are shown. The key areas of digital transformation in these sectors have been identified. It is hypothesized that digital transformation in energy and industry facilitates the decarbonization of industries and contributes to the achievement of climate neutrality in the global economy. The research methodology is based on a deductive and systematic analysis of the EU's experience in the field of green-digital solutions, quantitative assessments of their effectiveness and foresight forecasts. The article analyses the sectoral structure of the global economy's carbon footprint, demonstrating the significant potential of digital innovations in reducing emissions and increasing energy efficiency. The digitalisation opportunities in the direction of energy transition contribute to the development of the energy market, optimisation of consumption, offering self-organised micro-energy networks, energy-as-a-service solutions and new generations of digital technologies for alternative energy. In the industrial sector, digitalisation is considered as a driver of “smart” manufacturing, circular practices, digital material tracking and optimisation of consumption structure. The article emphasises the importance of international cooperation and integration of digital solutions to ensure a successful green-digital transition and achieve climate neutrality of the global economy.
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