Legal regime of state joint-stock companies’ property




economic relations, legal regime of property, state joint stock companies, corporatization, business administration, management of state property objects.


The article examines the legal aspect of corpora­tization of state-owned enterprises and issues related to the legal regime of state joint-stock companies’ property. The general theoretical approaches to determining the legal regime of property and its features in the part of state joint-stock companies are outlined. On the basis of a systematic legal analysis of the legislation regulating the procedure for privatization (corporatization) of state-owned enterprises, corporatization is defined as a method of reorganization of a state-owned enterprise into a JSC or LLC, in the process of which the legal regime of state property transferred to the authorized capital of a business company changes from state to private ownership of the company. Property transferred to the authorized capital of state joint-stock companies is managed on the basis of corporate management of shares in the authorized capital of the company. The law enforcement practice related to the formation of property of state joint-stock companies is analysed. Hypothesis: the property transferred to the authorized capital of state joint-stock companies is the private property of the company. Other property is used by the company under the right of lease or economic lease. Contributions to the authorized capital of state-owned joint-stock companies can also include property rights to real estate – the right of economic assignment, the right of permanent use, lease. The transfer of property rights to the authorized capital is not the basis for changing the legal regime of state property to the private property of the company. The methods of changing the legal regime of state-owned property are defined as: privatization of the property of state-owned enterprises, packages of shares (parts) of the state in the authorized capital of economic companies, transfer of a state-owned enterprise integral property complex for lease, privatization (corpo­ratization), sale of state-owned property, transfer of state-owned objects for hire (lease) on a competitive basis by conducting electronic auctions (public bidding), free transfer to communal ownership.

Author Biography

Oleksandrа KOLOHOIDA, Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko

Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor


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How to Cite

KOLOHOIDA О. 2024. Legal regime of state joint-stock companies’ property. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 134, 3 (Jun. 2024), 100–114. DOI:

