Interaction of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine with institutions of civil society
civil society, economic security, law enforcement agency, interaction, form, Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine.Abstract
In modern conditions, civil society institutions play a significant role in the state development of Ukraine. Currently, proactive citizens are using all legally permissible means to restore the disturbed security environment and repel the armed aggression. Their role in ensuring the economic security of the state is no less important. After all, as determined by the Basic Law of Ukraine, economic security is one of the main priority areas of the stateʼs activity and the cause of the entire Ukrainian people. One of the most significant threats to the economic security of the state is crime of an economic nature. An important role in countering it is played by the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine, with which civil society institutions also enter into interaction. Legal literature has repeatedly highlighted the possibilities of interaction between law enforcement agencies and institutions of civil society, but the forms of their interaction with the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine have been overlooked. The lack of comprehensive research led to the selection of the goal of the article to determine the administrative and legal forms of interaction between the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine and civil society institutions. The achievement of the specified goal was facilitated by the use of the following research methods: analysis and synthesis, system-structural, system analysis. The analysis of normative legal acts regulating the procedure of the activity of this Bureau and the Council of Public Control, established under it, was carried out. It was found that the interaction of civil society institutions and the Bureau is carried out in the following forms: the participation of civil society institutions in rule-making activities; involving representatives of civil society institutions to participate in law enforcement activities; participation in the formation of personnel potential, including in the implementation of public control over compliance with the requirements of competitive selection.
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