Evolution of enterprise management within the life cycle: the case of "mighty elephants"





organizational behavior, change management, corporate sustainability, project decisions, strategy.


This article continues a series of empirical studies aimed at identifying changes in organiza­tions that occur based on the strength of the relationship between competitive strategies and the stages of organi­zational development. The study aims to clarify the existence of relationships between strategies and stages of organizational development, in order to ensure flexibility and timely adaptation to changes in the environment, faster response to changes, maintaining strategic consistency, sustaina­bi­lity, and managing organizational crises. Unders­tan­ding the relationship between strategies and the stages of organizational development helps to mana­geably adapt strategies to the current state of the orga­nization and improve the effectiveness of project-oriented management. The purpose of the article is to identify of the strength of the relation­ship between the violent competitive strategy "powerful elephants" and the phases of the organi­zational life cycle, to verify the presence of three types of relationships: related, opposite, and with a directly independent mutual influence, to determine the impact of the results obtained on the change in organizational behavior. To solve the tasks set, the following methods were used in the work: morpho­logical analysis, analysis and synthesis, systemati­zation, analysis of lite­rary sources, methods for assessing the consistency of expert opinions, the model of competitive strategies by H. Friesewinkel, the model of the organizational life cycle of the organization by I. Adizes. Based on the comparison of morphological statements, evidence of the signifi­cance and presence of the strength of different types of relationships was obtained. The results obtained indicate the highest efficiency and timeliness of the implementation of the violent strategy of powerful elephants in the phases of "Adolescence", "Prime", "Stability", but the preparation and building of the orga­nizational framework for the implementation of this stra­tegy must begin from the previous phase of "Go-go", where the resistance to the implementation of this strategy is low and the signs of a new structure are already beginning to appear and manifest themselves. The development of a strategy based on the strength of the relationship will ensure adaptation in the manage­ment of organizational changes, and project decisions aimed at implementing the violent competitive strategy of powerful elephants will be effective and timely. Know­ledge of the patterns of organizational behavior based on the strength of the relation­ship between competitive strategies and the stages of organizational development can help senior managers understand the relationship between project activity and corporate sustainability.

Author Biography

Inna HORDIEIEVA, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

PhD (Technical), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management


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How to Cite

HORDIEIEVA І. (2023). Evolution of enterprise management within the life cycle: the case of "mighty elephants". oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 131(6), 72–88. https://doi.org/10.31617/3.2023(131)05

