Contract of purchase and sale of goods: general restrictions on self-regulation
contract of sale, self-regulation, economic activity, normative self-regulation, contractual self-regulation, contractual obligation.Abstract
Background. The article considers the peculiarities of the restriction of the contract of sale of goods in the field of management. The treaty is a unique mechanism of private law, which gives its participants a wide freedom of action, gives the opportunity to act as a kind of "legislators" for themselves, but within the limits set by law.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The issue of self-regulation is the subject of discussion by many scholars and practitioners. The topic of improving the modern domestic system of normative self-regulation is being actively discussed in scientific circles. However, in the considered works the main attention is paid to self-regulation of the contract and contractual relations in general. Such a means of normative self-regulation as a contract of sale has not been given sufficient attention, which is the scientific novelty and relevance of the article.
The aim of this article is to determine the content of the restrictions of such a means of regulatory self-regulation as a contract of sale in the field of management.
Materials and methods. The information base of the article is the civil and economic legislation of Ukraine, the decisions of the Supreme Court, the works of domestic scientists. In the course of the research general scientific methods of cognition of legal phenomena and processes were used: dialectical, formal-logical, comparative, method of generalization.
Conclusion. Self-regulation of the economic contract is limited by the imperative norms defined in the legislation. The self-regulation of a commercial contract is most clearly manifested in the fact that the parties can independently determine the terms of the contract and at the same time set restrictions on it. It is concluded that the contract of sale of goods is a kind of economic contract, and therefore it has both general features of regulatory self-regulation, features of self-regulation of the economic contract and specific features of self-regulation, which are decisive only for the sale of goods.
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