Export potential of the IT industry of Ukraine





digitalization, IT industry, innovation, export, employment, economic growth.


In the conditions of the rapid boom of digiti­zation of various spheres of the economy and society in the world, it is important to investigate the level of export potential of IT enterprises in Ukraine. The main hypotheses of the study are: stagnation of growth or decrease in exports and foreign currency receipts of IT services, outflow of IT business and specialists abroad, Ukraineʼs specialization in outsourcing the creation of IT products. The purpose of the study is to identify directions for the development of the export potential of the IT industry of Ukraine. The volume of foreign exchange earnings from the export of IT services, the level of employment of IT specialists, the profile of IT companies, their regional and industry structure, the number of employees, and the invest­ment portfolio of domestic IT companies were determined. The methods of comparison, statistical analysis, syste­matic approach, methods of analysis and synthesis were used to identify the characteristic features, trends, problems and prospects of digital transformation in Ukraine. The continuation of digitalization processes in Ukraine was considered; foreign exchange earnings from the export of IT services and employment in the digital industry as a whole remain at pre-invasion levels; concentration of IT business in Kyiv and western Ukraine; specialization in outsourcing rather than pro­duction of own IT products; migration abroad of startups and IT specialists; the investment portfolio is diverse and generally corresponds to the practice of other countries; e-governance of Ukraine has made significant progress and occupies a proper place among the EU countries, which creates the need to intensify digitali­zation to solve economic, social and military issues.

Author Biography

Valeriya BALASHOVA , Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

postgraduate student of Department of International Economic Relations


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How to Cite

BALASHOVA В. (2023). Export potential of the IT industry of Ukraine . oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 130(5), 33–45. https://doi.org/10.31617/3.2023(130)03

