Implementation of the state anti-corruption policy
corruption, anti-corruption policy, mechanism for implementation of state anti-corruption policy, vertical and horizontal anti-corruption strategies.Abstract
Background. Today there is no consensus on the formation of effective ways to prevent and combat corruption in Ukraine. In this regard, there is a need for scientific and methodological support of this issue.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The analysis of the degree of scientific research of various sources on the implementation of anti-corruption policy shows its extreme relevance. However, there is no consensus on improving the directions of its implementation. In this regard, there is a need for scientific and methodological support of this problem.
The aim of the article is to study the current state of anti-corruption policy in Ukraine, the identification of problems of its implementation and areas for improvement, taking into account the experience of foreign countries.
Materials and methods. The research used general and special research methods, including: analysis, methods of induction and deduction, scientific abstraction, interdisciplinary approach.
Results. Anti-corruption policy should be formed in the following areas: formation of the concept of state anti-corruption policy; improvement of the regulatory framework; improving the activities of anti-corruption bodies; constant monitoring of corruption actions and taking measures to combat them; responsibility for corrupt actions; international cooperation in the field of anti-corruption; formation of public consciousness in the spirit of intolerance to corruption; sufficient funding for anti-corruption programs.
The goals of anti-corruption policy are to prevent corruption, ensure the irreversibility of punishment, and to form the anti-corruption consciousness of citizens. Having studied foreign experience in the fight against corruption, we distinguish between vertical and horizontal anti-corruption strategies. The vertical is characterized by the rapid achievement of results, the essence of which is to achieve a level of corruption acceptable to the government and society. Horizontal provides for gradual anti-corruption activities based on anti-corruption incentives. The advantage of the vertical strategy is its rapid effectiveness; the disadvantage is the incomplete elimination of corruption. The advantage of the horizontal model is the active involvement of the public, raising the level of legal culture of the population and the formation of intolerance to corruption. The anti-corruption strategy in Ukraine should combine the advantages of both models.
Conclusion. Effective anti-corruption policy must meet modern conditions of state development, take into account the scale of corruption, determine the main directions of combating systemic corruption and effective mechanisms for monitoring, evaluation and reporting on anti-corruption measures.
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