Customs policy of Ukraine during the armed aggression of the rf
State Customs Service, customs authorities, customs clearance, simplification of customs procedures, customs formalities.Abstract
Introduction. After introduction of martial law, the State Customs Service works 24/7 and performs its tasks. At the legislative level, a significant number of normative legal acts have been adopted, which not only simplify the procedure for customs clearance of goods and vehicles, but also provide certain benefits for importers. These measures are aimed at providing the population and the Armed Forces of Ukraine with everything necessary during the war.
Problem. Under martial law, customs procedures for the customs clearance of goods have been changed, which were mainly related to the simplification of the procedure for importing certain types of goods. In particular, the customs clearance of humanitarian aid cargoes has been simplified, changes have been made to the taxation of passenger cars, motor gasoline and diesel fuel, provision of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with everything necessary during the war, etc. This requires detailed analysis and study.
The aim of the article is to study and systematize information on the specifics of customs affairs under martial law.
Methods. The information base contains scientific publications of domestic scientists, normative legal and legislative framework of Ukraine. The methods of analysis and synthesis, scientific generalization and comparison are used.
Results. The activities of customs authorities in ensuring the implementation of customs policy in the conditions of martial law are analyzed. An analysis of export-import trends in Ukraine was carried out. Legislative innovations related to simplification of customs procedures, reduction of time standards for customs formalities and prompt implementation of customs clearance of various groups of goods are characterized. Proposals have been developed to improve the activities of the Ukrainian customs.
Conclusions. Customs authorities need to strengthen cooperation with authorities and businesses in order to eliminate bottlenecks. The work of the Ukrainian customs must be synchronized with the customs administrations of the EU countries, which will make it possible to speed up the passage of goods across the borders and promote international trade as much as possible.
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Dejaki pytannja propusku gumanitarnoi' dopomogy cherez mytnyj kordon Ukrai'ny v umovah vojennogo stanu: Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrai'ny vid 01.03.2022 № 174 [Some issues of the passage of humanitarian aid through the customs border of Ukraine under martial law: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 01.03.2022 № 174]. (data zvernennya 20.07.2022) [in Ukrainian].
Start projektu «Vidkrytyj kordon»: Ukrai'na ta Pol'shha zbil'shat' propusknu spromozhnist' punktu «Krakovec' – Korchova» [Start of the «Open Border» project: Ukraine and Poland will increase the throughput capacity of the «Krakowec – Korchova» point]. [in Ukrainian].
Pro vnesennja zmin do Podatkovogo kodeksu Ukrai'ny ta inshyh zakonodavchyh aktiv Ukrai'ny shhodo dii' norm na period dii' vojennogo stanu: Zakon Ukrai'ny vid 15.03.2022 № 2120-IX [On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the effect of norms during the period of martial law: Law of Ukraine dated March 15, 2022 № 2120-IX]. (data zvernennya 20.07.2022) [in Ukrainian].
Pro vnesennja zmin do Podatkovogo kodeksu Ukrai'ny ta inshyh zakonodavchyh aktiv Ukrai'ny shhodo dii' norm na period dii' vojennogo stanu: Zakon Ukrai'ny vid 15.03.2022 № 2120-IX [On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the effect of norms during the period of martial law: Law of Ukraine dated March 15, 2022 № 2120-IX]. (data zvernennya 20.07.2022) [in Ukrainian].
Pro vnesennja zmin do Podatkovogo kodeksu Ukrai'ny ta inshyh zakonodavchyh aktiv Ukrai'ny shhodo peregljadu okremyh pil'g z opodatkuvannja: Zakon Ukrai'ny vid 21.06.2022 № 2325-ІХ [On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the revision of certain tax benefits: Law of Ukraine dated June 21, 2022 № 2325-ІХ]. (data zvernennya 22.07.2022) [in Ukrainian].
Pro zatverdzhennja perelikiv tovariv, eksport ta import jakyh pidljagaje licenzuvannju, ta kvot na 2022 rik: Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrai'ny vid 29.12.2021 № 1424 [On approval of the lists of goods whose export and import are subject to licensing, and quotas for 2022: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 29.12.2021 № 1424]. (data zvernennya 20.07.2022) [in Ukrainian].
Pro zastosuvannja zaborony vvezennja tovariv z Rosijs'koi' Federacii': Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrai'ny vid 09.04.2022 № 426 [On the application of the ban on the import of goods from the Russian Federation: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 09.04.2022 № 426]. (data zvernennya 18.07.2022) [in Ukrainian].
Pro tymchasove zakryttja dejakyh punktiv propusku cherez derzhavnyj kordon ta punktiv kontrolju: Rozporjadzhennja Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrai'ny vid 26.02.2022. № 188-р. [On the temporary closure of some checkpoints across the state border and post checkpoints: Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated February 26, 2022. № 188-р.]. (data zvernennya 18.07.2022) [in Ukrainian].
Mytnyj bezviz – uhvaleno rishennja pro zaproshennja Ukrai'ny do mytnyh Konvencij pro proceduru spil'nogo tranzytu (NCTS) ta sproshhennja torgivli tovaramy [Customs visa-free – a decision was made to invite Ukraine to the Customs Conventions on Common Transit Procedures (NCTS) and Simplification of Trade in Goods]. [in Ukrainian].
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