Cereal exports: a european hub in supply chains
carrying capacity, agricultural products, grain export, railway transport, «dry port», food security, port blockage.Abstract
Introduction. The blockade of Black Sea ports, which usually receive about 90 % of food exports, is an important problem for the export of Ukrainian grain, the absence of which on the world market can lead to a global food crisis.
Problem. A disruption in the supply of agricultural goods will have significant consequences for food security in those countries that are importers of these goods. Therefore, the question of resuming the export of grain cargoes by railway transport is extremely urgent today.
The aim of this article is to analyze the throughput capacity of the export of grain cargoes by railway transport, to study the problems of managing the supply chains of agricultural products and to find ways to solve them in the conditions of war.
Methods. The method of elementary-theoretical analysis and synthesis, the method of deduction, economic-statistical methods, such as grouping and graphic methods, which visually present the research results, were used in the course of writing the article.
Results. The war in Ukraine has led to a rapid increase in the prices of the most necessary goods, which has the worst consequences for the poorest sections of the population. Governments around the world are struggling to cope with soaring agricultural prices.
Ukraine entered the top 5 countries that export grain, despite the huge losses of the agricultural industry as a result of the war. Analysis of the export of agricultural products shows that after the Russian invasion, railway transport is the main mode of transportation of grain cargoes.
Conclusions. Among the main directions of increasing the capacity of the railway infrastructure, it is possible to highlight the construction of «dry ports», the restoration of the railway connection between Ukraine and Moldova, the reorientation of logistics to the western borders of Ukraine, as well as the attraction of foreign investments in the development of this direction of transportation.
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