Environmental diplomacy: compromises of international trade



international trade, environmental diplomacy, internationalization of the economy, the regimes of international environmental management, globalization


Background. The global development of society in the twenty-first century is interpreted by mankind in various geopolitical and environmental contexts. Because of this the diplomatic format of cooperation between two countries and mechanisms of regulatory policy in the sphere of international trade change. Simultaneously with the liberalization of foreign economic activity the new forms of environmental protectionism appear, which is evidence to the aspiration of the country to seek compromise through a combination of political, economic, environmental and security interests in the area of international trade.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. Actuality of the environmental vector of international trade is reflected in a number of scientific papers, in which the development and functioning of global trading systems, greening of international economic activities, international regimes of environmental management and safety, international trade law and environmental protection was studied. In the current research issues of range of problems of international trade insufficient attention is paid to improving the practice of mutually acceptable solutions as to improving of the environmental situation in the world. In this regard, the use of policy of environmental diplomacy in this area is appropriate due to the decrease of trading risks, contradictions and conflicts.
The aim of this article is to determine the nature of compromises in the field of international trade in the spectrum of environmental diplomacy
Materials and methods. According to the objectives of the study the methods
of macroeconomic analysis are applied, which greatly deepen the understanding of new tasks in the development of international trade, reveal the specifics of environmental ideology and the modernization of society.
Results. The contemporary processes of internationalization of economies of countries are based on the use of financial, natural and environmental resources. However, the liberalization of international trade is accompanied by the manifestation of external effects, positive and negative, which is a consequence of different environmental impacts: product, technology, scale, structural, political, and institutional. Now the international consolidation on the principles of progressive environmental diplomacy is important. In the emerging of architectonics of international trade, it is reasonable to regulate the intensity of export and import flows taking into account the environmental security for society and the natural environment. This integrated instrumentation should be focused on: promotion of environmental goods to foreign markets, access restrictions of dangerous imported goods; promoting of the greening of trade between countries based on strategic, operational and emergency response.
Conclusion. Determining the nature of compromise in the area of international trade in the spectrum of environmental diplomacy, it should be noted that there is
a significant base of scientific and practical developments in this field. However, the question of motivating countries and attracting the market agents to engage in constructive cooperation in the context of achievement of compromise in international trade using the mechanisms of environmental diplomacy remains open. The protection and lobbying of national environmental interests on the world markets, the constructive approach of trade negotiations, taking into account environmental externalities, the efficiency of counter country’s environmental policy, ratification of international treaties and their incorporation into the system of national environmental laws etc. acquire the economic expediency and priority.

Author Biography

Alina BOKHAN , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Ph. D. in Economics, associate professor, associate professor of chair of the international economic relations


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How to Cite

BOKHAN А. (2016). Environmental diplomacy: compromises of international trade. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 87(4), 33–43. etrieved from https://journals.knute.edu.ua/foreign-trade/article/view/562

