Legal forms of international economic law



forms (sources) of international economic law, international treaty, international legal custom, general principles of international law, decisions of international organizations, decisions of international courts, the doctrine of international law


Background. International economic relations (IER) are governed by the system of international rules, which are enshrined in various legal forms (sources) of law. The study of the external forms of expression of these norms is a necessary condition for the effective solution of IER.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. Many domestic scholars focused the attention to the problems of forms (sources) of international law and international economic law.
The aim is to investigate the system of legal forms (sources) of international economic law and to analyze its hierarchical structure.
Results. The most common form of regulation of international economic relations is an international treaty, which contains provisions for regulation of economic issues. All international treaties, concluded between subjects of international law, the rules of which are aimed at resolving of international economic relations and are the sources of international economic law. The next source of international law is international custom, as evidence of a general practice recognized as legal norm. General principles of law recognized by civilized nations are a source of international economic law. They are fixed in the norms of international treaties and international legal customs. Most of the resolutions of international organizations can be considered as a recommendation, that is, the sources of so-called "soft law". However, the current treaty and traditional legal rules are specified and concretized in the decisions of international economic organizations. They are recognized as special sources. The decisions of international courts and the writings of reputable and qualified lawyers on public law affect the formation of international legal norms and are recognized as subsidiary sources of international economic law.
Conclusion. The system of forms of international economic law consists of basic and special legal sources of the law. In addition, this system should also include supplementary sources.

Author Biography

Yuliya TYSHCHENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, associate Professor of Department of International private, commercial and civil law


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How to Cite

TYSHCHENKO Ю. (2016). Legal forms of international economic law. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 89(6), 22–31. etrieved from

