

International scientific-practical journal "COMMODITIES AND MARKETS", which is included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine on economic and legal sciences, it is issued 4 times a year.

The journal accepts manuscripts of scientific works, which have never been published before and are not intended for simultaneous publication in other editions.

The volume of the manuscript is 15-40 thousand characters, including figures and tables.

There is a “single-blind review”, double-blind review system for the manuscript

The number of authors - not more than three.

Articles are published in Ukrainian and English.

Postgraduate students and applicants must coordinate the manuscript with the scientific supervisor.


The manuscript should be structured according to a standard scheme:

  • the code of Universal Decimal Classification (UDC);
  • author's data: surname and name of author, academic degree, academic title, position, place of work (postal address) - in Ukrainian and English, e-mail, orcid;
  • the title of the article - in Ukrainian and English;
  • extended author's resume - in Ukrainian and English, in the volume of 1800–2000 characters:
     – Introduction;
    – Problem;
    – The aim
    – Methods
    – Results
    – Conclusions 
    – Keywords – 5-10 words.
  • Jel Classification (1–4 codes);
  • the text of the article is structured by sections:


Problem - highlighting previously unresolved parts of the overall problem, which the article is devoted to.

Analysis of recent researches and publications - the last 5 years.

The aim.


Research results - a presentation of the main material with a full justification of the obtained scientific results.

Conclusions - conclusions from this study and prospects for further research in this direction.

  • The list of used sources (References) in Ukrainian-language articles is drawn up in accordance with DSTU 8302:2015, and in English-language (References) - in accordance with АРА and is submitted after the text of the article. The references to sources in the text should be given in the order of their use in square brackets indicating the source number and the page number after comma [1, p. 243];
  • author's information in Ukrainian and English: surname, name, patronymic (in full); full name and address of the organization, position; academic status, scientific degree; contact phone numbers.


Manuscripts are formatted in a single file in the Microsoft Word editor (Times New Roman type, the size - 13, an interval - 1.5; formulas - in the Equation editor, pages are numbered, all margins - 20 mm).

Citations, statistical data are presented with reference to the source.

Figures, graphs and tables should be numbered and named.

They must be performed in book orientation, in black and white. Illustrative material is placed under the text, in which there is a link to it for the first time, or on the next page. Graphs and diagrams are additionally submitted as a separate file in Microsoft EXCEL.

Formulas must be separated by one line from the rest of the text, centered, numbered in parentheses, which align to the right margin of the text. Physical quantities are given in Systeme International (SI) units.



  • author's contribution (in the case of several authors by each of them);
  • financing;
  • conflict of interest.

Scanned material is not accepted.

The date of the manuscript submission is considered to be the day of receipt by the editors, in case of correcting - the day of receipt of the corrected text.

The decision to publish the article is made by the editorial board. The authoritative scholars and practitioners in the specialty of the article are involved in the review. 

Manuscripts rejected by the editorial board will not be returned to the authors.   


Manuscripts that do not comply with these requirements are not considered.

The electronic version of the manuscript is submitted by e-mail: