Contactless economics: a theoretical phenomenon and the practice of formation




contactless economy, martial law, behavioral changes, changes in consumer behavior, innovative technologies, digitalization.


Introduction. The contactless economy model (CEM) has become an effective solution in response to structural changes in the economies of many countries. In Ukraine, it has a wider and more intensive application as a result of events caused by full-scale military aggression by Russia Federation. As the tools of the contactless economy have previously been used to adapt to post-pandemic conditions and have had results, their use is now considered one of the most effective for both business and consumers.
Problem. In conditions of limited economic activity due to hostilities in some regions of Ukraine and the constant threat to the lives of the population, there is a problem of rapid adaptation by business and, in particular, changes in the nature of economic relations. In this case, the CEM is a relevant and effective option.
The aim of the article is to determine the characteristics of the contactless economy model; finding out the mechanism of functioning of the CEM and the tools that can be used during its operation; identification of trends in consumer
behavior in martial law; systematization of practical experience of using the chosen model.
Methods. The method of scientific abstracttion, historical and analytical methods are used; modeling; experimental.

Results. One of the ways to adapt business and other economic agents to martial law through the use of CEM is outlined. The preconditions for the emergence of this concept and changes in consumer behavior, which became the basis for the creation of CEM, are analyzed. The main tools of contact between economic agents are highlighted. For further adaptation of the chosen
model in modern realities the mechanism of its functioning is shown.
Conclusions. It is determined that CEM, although relatively new, but effective in its application, its tools are used by many global
companies. It is especially relevant for Ukraine, taking into consideration the military operations that actually limit the economic activities of economic entities.

Author Biographies

Larysa LEBEDEVA, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Competition Policy

Aliona SOROKINA, State University of Trade and Economics

Bachelor in "Tourism"


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How to Cite

LEBEDEVA Л. and SOROKINA А. 2022. Contactless economics: a theoretical phenomenon and the practice of formation. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 42, 2 (Jun. 2022), 13–30. DOI: