The procedure of reviewing

Peer review procedures

Reviewing (expert evaluation) of manuscripts is carried out to ensure the scientific journal "Foreign Trade: Economics, Finance, Law" and the selection of the most valuable and relevant scientific works.

  1. The scientific journal " Foreign Trade: Economics, Finance, Law " adheres to a double-blind (anonymous) review:
    — the reviewer does not know the authors' personal data;
    — the authors do not know the reviewer's personal data.
  1. Manuscripts submitted to the editorial office are checked for compliance with the requirements posted in the For authors
  2. The primary examination of a scientific article is carried out by the editor-in-chief or his deputy. Submitted materials must be relevant to the magazine's theme.
  3. An anonymous article is sent by e-mail:
    — to a member of the editorial board responsible for the scientific direction of the article;
    — to an external reviewer (Ukrainian and foreign doctors of science specializing in the same scientific field as the authors of the article are involved in the external review. On behalf of the editors, a letter is sent to such a scientist with a request for review. An anonymous article and a standard review form are attached to the letter).
  1. Reviews signed by the reviewer with a conventional or electronic signature are stored in the editorial office for 3 years from the date of publication of the issue of the journal in which the reviewed article is published.
  2. After expert evaluation of the article, the reviewer can:
    — recommend an article for publication;
    — recommend the article for publication after correcting minor remarks and wishes;
    — recommend the author/s to significantly revise the article in accordance with the reviewer's comments on the merits, after which the final decision is made;
    — not recommend an article for publication.
  1. The decision of the reviewer(s) is sent to the author(s). Articles to be revised are sent together with the text of the review without identifying the reviewer(s). The corrected version of the article is sent for re-review, in the process of which the reviewers may ask for additional corrections. Revisions do not guarantee a positive decision to accept the article, and if the reviewers find the changes unsatisfactory, the article will be rejected.
  2. The final decision on the publication of the article is made at the meeting of the editorial board, taking into account the reviews received, the results of the verification of the manuscripts for compliance with the requirements of academic integrity of strikeplagiarism.
  3. In the process of reviewing scientific articles, reviewers pay attention to:
    — compliance of the content of the article with the topic stated in the title;
    — relevance and novelty of the scientific problem discussed in the article;
    — substantiation of the scientific and practical significance of the conducted research;
    — logicality, reasonableness and persuasiveness of scientific argumentation and research results;
    — systematicity, clarity and style of presenting the material;
    — value for a wide range of readers.
  1. The editors of the magazine do not enter into a discussion with the authors of rejected articles.