Budget expenditures in a system of social and economic development of a country



Ukraine, Poland, economic cooperation, European Union, integration.


Background. Provision of social relations involves creating the necessary conditions for stimulating long-term economic growth. The above is largely driven by the success of issues to improve the efficiency of budget spending and to optimize them. Due to economic changes is appropriate to use a systematic approach to evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of budget expenditure and mutually agreed solution of budget allocations with the priorities of socio-economic development of the country.
The aim of selected subject allowed us to determine that in order to ensure the realization of the strategic goals of socio-economic development of the country, budget process management should be implemented on the basis of following factors: efficiency of procedures of the budget planning, allocation and budgetary resources development, ensuring interaction between the participants of the budget process at the appropriate level; absolute execution of the concluded contracts and contract obligations in the public sector within the established deadlines; intensification and continuous improvement of budget management; preserve and increase the quality of goods and services for budgetary purposes, their conformity to international standards; increasing the level of productivity. The above forms the basis of research objective.
Materials and methods. The complex nature of the work is achieved via creative use and combination of general and specialized methods, including generalizing, analysis and synthesis, statistical analysis, system analysis.
Results. The development of economic cooperation between Ukraine and Poland covering the period after Poland’s entry in the EU has been analyzed. The existence of disappointing for our country trends in the relations between the parties has been discovered: in the period under analysis the trade balance of Ukraine remained mostly negative, and the volume of investments in the Polish economy has significantly lagged behind the value of Polish investments in the Ukrainian economy. The analysis showed an extremely low level of real integration between Ukrainian and Polish economies.
Conclusion. Significant negative trade balance of Ukraine and its considerable lagging behind from its neighbor on the western border in terms of investments in the Polish economy, are primarily caused by low competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy as well as significant backlog of a number of Ukrainian economic indicators. The solution to this situation, among other things, involves the implementation of the competitive order policy in Ukraine, approximation of Ukrainian legislation to the EU standards, the intensification and deepening of interregional and cross-border cooperation.

Author Biography

Valentyna MAKOGON, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Ph.D. in Economics, senior researcher, associate Professor of Department of Finance


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How to Cite

MAKOGON В. (2016). Budget expenditures in a system of social and economic development of a country. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 86(3), 114–124. etrieved from https://journals.knute.edu.ua/foreign-trade/article/view/578