Transport and logistics system of Ukraine in conditions of European integration


  • Olexandra YATSIUTA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


transit, infrastructure, logistics, transportation and logistics system, international transport corridors, integration.


Background. The construction and development of transport-logistic system of Ukraine is largely driven by its European integration. The experience of countries of Western Europe and North America proves that the development of the logistics and transport sector allows to reduce total logistic and transportation costs, accelerate the velocity of material resources circulation and to reduce their stockpiles. The coordination of technological, technical and organizational-economic interaction between all functional units in such countries is provided by appropriate logistic system that provides interaction between all participants in the transport and distribution process in the organizational-economic, technical, technological and informational aspects of freight flows.
The aim of the article is the analysis of development directions of transport and logistics system of Ukraine in conditions of European integration.
Materials and methods. The article uses a combination of methods, allowing to implement system-conceptual unity of research, in particular the dialectical method of scientific cognition, methods of synthesis, systemic and institutional approaches.
Results. The current state of the logistics services world market and advantages of using logistics was analyzed in the article. The possibility of logistics development in Ukraine by formation of transport and logistics system and realization of transit potential of the country was defined. The current state of transit and the main factors of the loss of Ukraine’s transit potential were considered. The possibility of transport and logistics system development in Ukraine in conditions of participation in regional transportation projects of EU was actualized. The development level of logistics of the European Union and Ukraine’s place in the projects of euro logistics was investigated. The main directions of Ukraine’s European integration in the transport sphere and implementation opportunities for cooperation with the EU were defined. The main directions and prospects of Ukraine’s participation in EU projects for the Danube Region and the TRACECA project were analyzed. The necessity of further development of Ukrainian transport and logistics system as a subsystem of the economic system of the country that will contribute to economic development of Ukraine was defined.
Conclusion. On the basis of the conducted research it is established that the formation of the integrated TLS of Ukraine will contribute to the development of the economy and enhance the country’s competitiveness in the international markets of transport and logistics services. Their development is possible by restoring the country’s transit potential, participation of Ukraine in international transport projects of the EU. The establishment of Ukraine’s partnership relations with the EU especially in transport sphere will contribute to the deepening of European integration of Ukraine, macroeconomic stabilization and improvement of the economic situation of the country as a whole.

Author Biography

Olexandra YATSIUTA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Postgraduate student of Department of Economic Theory and Competition Policy


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How to Cite

YATSIUTA О. (2016). Transport and logistics system of Ukraine in conditions of European integration. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 86(3), 89–99. etrieved from

