Anti-crisis foreign trade policy of Ukraine



international economic integration, anti-crisis measures, the geographical structure of exports


Background. Despite the fact that Ukraine is almost entirely focused on the West, in the East there are also a cost-effective partners for which there are already certain prerequisites for creation of integration associations of the level of free trade zones, or for starting, the conclusion of preferential trade agreements.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of strengthening the participation of Ukraine in the process of international economic integration is investigated in a large number of scientific publications. However, the studies are mainly focused on the issue of European integration and the expansion of trade relations with non-European countries, not paying enough attention to possibilities of agreements on free trade and further economic integration with the latter.
The studys aim to determine the directions of deepening international economic integration of Ukraine to strengthen the protection from the effects of external crises.
Materials and methods. Methods of analysis and synthesis system used to determine the characteristics of trade and economic relations of Ukraine. The research was performed on the basis of international organizations (UN, WTO and UNCTAD), the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, intergovernmental trade agreements between Ukraine and other countries.
Results. The similarity in economic development, income, openness to foreign direct investment and the need to establish administrative structures for coordinating of actions in the face of growing economic interdependence often becomes economic motives of integration. The author examines the problem of expansion of international integration contacts of Ukraine, alternative to the European, in order to avoid dependence on single market and prevent the crisis phenomena due to such dependence. In the article the geographic structure of Ukraine's foreign trade, commodity structure and dynamics of Ukrainian exports is analyzed, key partner countries which have not signed free trade agreements are identified. Existing restrictions on the import of goods in these countries and areas of liberalization of bilateral trade are characterized. Preconditions of concluding bilateral free trade agreements with individual countries and the expediency of concluding such agreements as preventive anti-crisis measures for the long term are determined.
Conclusion. Thus, there are good preconditions for further development of the new vector in the foreign trade policy of Ukraine – the Asian. The conclusion of free trade agreements with these countries will increase the export of agricultural products and strengthen the position of domestic producers of these products in the Asian region, as well as create the conditions for attracting foreign direct investment from Asian countries, access to dynamically growing and developing large markets, in particular China and India, etc.

Author Biography

Natalia KOROVAICHENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Ph.D. in Economics, associate Professor of Chair of International Economic Relations


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How to Cite

KOROVAICHENKO Н. (2016). Anti-crisis foreign trade policy of Ukraine. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 88(5), 16–26. etrieved from

