Administrative activities to prevent and combat corruption in the military sphere


  • Bogdan SHAMRAI Ivan Chernyakhovsky National Defence University of Ukraine


constitutional rights, civil society, combating corruption, the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Background. The issue of preventing and combating corruption in all spheres of modern Ukrainian society is becoming important, especially for the army currently performing military service and on the effectiveness of which depends the protection of territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country. Therefore, one of the conditions to guarantee the constitutional rights and freedoms of military servicemen in Ukraine is preventing and combating corruption in the military sphere.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The issue of the rights and freedoms of servicemen of Ukraine is the subject of research of many Ukrainian scientists. The authors have made specific proposals for improvement of regulations aimed at guaranteeing constitutional rights and freedoms of military personnel. However, the question of their implementation by preventing and combating corruption in the military field has not been studied, so it’s open. The aim of the article is to study the guarantees of constitutional rights and freedoms of servicemen in Ukraine and their implementation by preventing and combating corruption in the military sphere.
Materials and methods. The work was conducted using general and specific research methods, that helped achieve conceptual unity. Structural and functional method was used to outline the list of positions with increased corruption risk; system analysis and synthesis methods –to study the organization of the prevention of corruption in the military sphere; analogy and modeling one –to implement international experience in solving problems; system and logical and prognostic ones –to determine the strategy of the anti-corruption struggle.
Results. System activity in the organization of the prevention of corruption in the military sphere is joint implementation of measures by entities carrying out activities to prevent and combat corruption. Therefore, for the effective research of the guarantee of constitutional rights and freedoms of military personnel by preventing and combating corruption in the military one should consider activities of specially authorized entities in combating corruption; public authorities; authorized units on prevention and detection of corruption created in government, including military units and NGOs engaged in activities to prevent and combat corruption. Effective mechanism to guarantee the constitutional rights and freedoms of military servicemen is an active civil society, which has a fundamental impact on building integrity of citizens and reduces corruption in the military sphere.
Conclusion. It should be noted that the direction for further improvement of public control in the military should expansion of its forms and methods, working out legal and institutional mechanisms of accountability of facilities under the control of public and professional specialization development of civil controllers and introducing certain mechanisms to prevent corruption among them. Under favorable conditions public control can be a major means of guaranteeing the constitutional rights and freedoms of servicemen Ukraine. Further research in this area is promising and will allow implement effective guarantee of constitutional rights and freedoms of military servicemen in Ukraine.

Author Biography

Bogdan SHAMRAI , Ivan Chernyakhovsky National Defence University of Ukraine

Competitor of the Department of Legal Support


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How to Cite

SHAMRAI Б. (2016). Administrative activities to prevent and combat corruption in the military sphere. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 84(1), 68–81. etrieved from

