Sustainability of the national economy in the context of global challenges


  • Diana SHKUROPADSKA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


global economy, national economy, resilience of the economic system, global challenges, shock effects


Background. There are significant global changes and transformations in the world that each country needs to respond adequately. It is therefore appropriate to  highlight those factors and challenges that have a significant impact on the resilience of national economies. The formation of a sustainable national economy is  one of the main tasks of the state policy for the long-term perspective, which requires the identification of key resilience factors that respond to current and future global challenges.
The review of scientific sources. Ukrainian researchers and economists are actively studying the resilience of economic systems. However, the impact of global challenges on the resilience of the economy requires further study.
The aim of the study is to identify the main global challenges that affect the resilience of the economy by analyzing the dynamics of economic development indicators characterizing the impact of global challenges on the example of Ukraine.
Materials and methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge, the application of which allowed achieving the set goal. These include: methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and systematization. The information base of the study is presented by the works of Ukrainian and foreign scholars and statistical data.
The results of the research. Scholars’ approaches to determining the essence of global challenges are analyzed. The global climate, financial and food challenges are considered. The factors that influence the impact of global challenges on national economies and the indicators of their evaluation are determined. The analysis of the dynamics of indicators of economic development, characterizing the impact of global challenges on its resilience, is conducted.
Conclusion. Today there is no single approach to the definition of the essence of global challenges, but the analysis of various scientific sources allows us to consider global challenges as trends that express certain processes and phenomena in the world economy. For the Ukrainian economy, the impact of global challenges is particularly true in the context of climate change, imbalances in the global financial system and the global food crisis. The lack of systemic mechanisms to support the resilience of the national economy leads to the fact that the Ukrainian economy is experiencing a marked negative deforming effect of global challenges and is unable to react in time to changes in the global economy.

Author Biography

Diana SHKUROPADSKA , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Postgraduate of Economic Theory and Competition Policy Deaprtment


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How to Cite

SHKUROPADSKA Д. (2017). Sustainability of the national economy in the context of global challenges. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 93(4), 84–97. etrieved from

