The concept of blood donation in the current legislation and legal thought


  • Anastasiya SYDORCHUK Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


blood donation, blood components, donor, blood


Background. The donation of blood and its components is an important direction of public policy in the field of healthcare. It covers a wide range of organizational, informational and technical relations associated with the storage, processing, blood and its components procurement.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Modern scientists make numerous attempts to systematize the signs of blood and its components donation and the formulation of appropriate definitions.
The aim is to investigate the essence of the concept of blood and its components donation in Ukraine at the present stage.
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the article is formally logical, comparative, structural-logical and sociological methods.
The results of the research. For todaythere is no single scientific approach to the understanding of the concept of blood and its components donation, which would fully disclose the essence of this socially important phenomenon.
Conclusion. The results of the studymade it possibleto formulate the definition of blood and its components donation;it’sa conscious voluntary act of the donor‘s will, which is to give blood andits components for the treatment of patients,for the manufacturing of medicines or for scientific research as well as activities related to the procurement, processing andstorage of blood and its components.

Author Biography

Anastasiya SYDORCHUK, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Postgraduate student of Department of administrative, financial and information law


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How to Cite

SYDORCHUK А. (2017). The concept of blood donation in the current legislation and legal thought. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 94(5), 67–74. etrieved from

