Methodological discourse of international economic partnership



interaction, dependence, interdependence, trust, justice, partnership


BackgroundThe substantiation of the methodological discourse of the international economic partnership is due to the need for its consideration in the context of the theory of international economic relations, as well as the definition of the main conditions for its effectiveness.
Analysis of recent research and publications. On the basis of the analysis of the publications of foreign and domestic experts the relevance of the development of methodological discourse of the international economic partnership is determined.
The aim of the article is the methodological substantiation of the concept of «international economic partnership» as a form of interaction between subjects of international economic relations and factors that form its effectiveness.
Materials and methods. Research materials were provided by the works of domestic and foreign specialists.
Results. It is shown that the methodological discourse of the problem of international partnership is determined by the essence of economic and political interaction of subjects of international relations. It is determined that fairness of relationships and trust between potential partners are necessary conditions for effective partnership. International partnership can be considered as the fair one if partners’ strategies are based on rules that are recognized by international law irrespective of the results of the partnership agreement and are voluntarily ratified by its parties. It is proposed to rely on the methodology of equilibrium theory for assessing the equity of the partnership and on a set of global indexes – for assessing the credibility of the country by the international community.
Conclusion. Problems of international partnership are in the methodological plane of the researching of interaction of subjects of international relations. The partnership is a product of the dependence and interdependence of international actors, based on a consensus paradigm for reconciling their economic interests.

Author Biography

Volodymyr ONISHCHENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


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How to Cite

ONISHCHENKO В. (2018). Methodological discourse of international economic partnership. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 100(5), 19–31. etrieved from

