Ensuring the resilience of the national economy


  • Alina BOIKO Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


national economy, resilience, resilient development, external negative influences


Background. The resilience of the national economy expresses the ability of the country's economic system to resist, adapt and recover from negative external influences. The problem of increasing the resilience of the national economy has acquired a special scientific and applied importance in conditions of spatial turbulence of the world economy.
The aim of the research is to develop the theory of resilience in the economy in the part of the generalization and systematization of the theoretical positions on the definition and classification of conditions and factors ensuring the resilience of the open economy to negative external influences.
Materials and methods. Methodological basis of the study were methods of knowledge of economic phenomena and processes: systemic, theoretical generalization, comparative-historical method, systematization.
The results of the research. The resilience of the national economy is ensured by the presence of macroeconomic, regulatory, organizational and institutional conditions as necessary conditions that make the economic system able to withstand internal and external «burdens», adapt to them and recover from their manifestation. In accordance with international practice, the conditions for ensuring the resilience of the national economy are formed by measures of foreign trade, financial, tax, competition and social policy. Such measures are implemented by a system of state institutions supporting the resiliency of the economy.
Conclusion. The resilience of the national economy manifests itself under the influence of a complex of external and internal factors. External factors influence the national economy through such channels of interaction in the world economy as: foreign trade, foreign investments and loans. In the natural-ecological, socio-demographic, financial-industrial, political-legal and infrastructural environments internal factors are formed. These factors also determine the level of resilience of the national economy to external negative impacts.

Author Biography

Alina BOIKO , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Economics, Professor of Department of economic theory and competitive policy


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How to Cite

BOIKO А. (2017). Ensuring the resilience of the national economy. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 93(4), 16–27. etrieved from https://journals.knute.edu.ua/foreign-trade/article/view/469

