Oversight of payment systems in the context of financial stability maintaining


  • Yuliia BALAKINA The National Bank of Ukraine


payment system oversight, payment system evaluation payment system, systemically important payment system, socially important payment system, common overview of payment systems., payment system evaluation, payment system, systemically important payment system, socially important payment system, common overview of payment systems


Background. Taking into account the specifics of the payment systems activity, the violation of their activities can lead to significant risks for the financial system and be a potential source of their distribution; therefore, payment systems require a proper overview of central banks. At the same time, in the context of the globalization of payment systems activity, the role of international cooperation of central banks of different countries is intensified, which is carried out through a common overview.
The aim of the article is to study the oversight of payment systems in the context of maintaining financial stability.
Materials and methods. The article is based on the reports of international financial organizations, including the Bank for International Settlements, central banks, as well as the scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign scholars. In the process of research, in particular the methods of analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, the method of analogies, comparison, grouping, systematization and generalization were used etc.
The results of the research. In the article the author analyzes the basic principles of a common overview of payment systems, deepens theoretical approaches to the definition of the essence of the common overview of payment systems and establishes its important role in maintaining financial stability. It is proposed to distinguish the main types of common overview according to the degree of formalization and periodicity of implementation. In addition, the author addresses the issue of the systemic importance of payment systems and proposes the definition of certain types of payment systems, depending on their role in the economy and the potential consequences of violations of payment systems. 
Conclusion. The author identifies a common oversight of payment systems as a central bank’s activity directed to international payment systems with central banks of other countries under whose jurisdiction this system also functions in order to maintain financial stability.


Author Biography

Yuliia BALAKINA , The National Bank of Ukraine

Postgraduate student of State higher education institution «University of banking»;
Chief Economist of Payment Systems and Innovative Development


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How to Cite

BALAKINA Ю. (2017). Oversight of payment systems in the context of financial stability maintaining. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 95(6), 85–100. etrieved from https://journals.knute.edu.ua/foreign-trade/article/view/449

