Non-state security sector of entrepreneurial activities in Ukraine



business security, private security companies, business entities security services, the subjects of administrative legal relations


Background. Effective and successful solution of the tasks facing the Ukrainian economy largely depends on productive business activities. This performance depends on the conditions of the functioning and security of entrepreneurial activity as a subject of market economy, the quality of law-making process which needs to respond quickly to changes in the market environment: increasing globalization, the emergence of new technologies of fraud, corruption, criminal acts and other threats to business activities.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. Selected issues of administrative and legal security of business activities in Ukraine became a subject of scientific research of V. B. Averianov, V. V. Kovalenko, V. V. Krutov, V. I. Kurylo, V. A. Lipkan, V. P. Nahrebelny and other representatives of the science of administrative law and public administration. However, provisions, considered in their scientific works, mainly relate to common problems and do not cover in detail questions of administrative and legal security of business activities of non-state security sector.
The purpose of this article is to study non-state security sector of entrepreneurship as a subject of administrative legal relations and formation of proposals for the solution of problems arising in security of business activities.
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of research is a set of philosophical, general scientific and special approaches, principles and methods of scientific knowledge. In the process of work there were used dialectical, formal and dogmatic, comparative legal methods, as well as the method of structural and system analysis.
The main provisions and conclusions of the study are based on the basis of actual knowledge, personal observations, processing of scientific publications, analysis of legal literature and legislative acts.
The results of the study. Analysis of professional literature and theory of administrative law shows that non-state security sector of entrepreneurship is part of the subjects system of administrative legal relations in the sphere of business activities security. Their organizing and legal activities are regulated by normative-legal acts, according to which the process of legitimacy of non-state security sector subjects, their payment of taxes, fees, deductions, fulfillment of requirements of labor protection in accordance with the competent state authorities rules, compliance with competition law is in progress.
Conclusion. Public authorities and business entities need to build an effective, transparent and clear mechanism for involving non-state security sector to protect the business. Only in this case, it is possible to speak about creation of necessary conditions for sustainable development of the national economy in the tough competitive environment of the global world, as well as establishing partnerships between government and business entities.
For normative and legal regulation of non-state security sector activity of great importance is the system of legal acts. The basis of their functioning in Ukraine is norms of civil, labor, commercial, administrative and other branches of law.

Author Biographies

Ростислав БАНК , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Law, Professor, head of Department of General legal disciplines

Rostislav BANK , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Law, senior lecturerof the Department of General legal disciplines,
Associate Dean of the faculty of international trade and law


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How to Cite

БАНК , Ю., & BANK Р. (2017). Non-state security sector of entrepreneurial activities in Ukraine. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 92(3), 58–68. etrieved from

