Financial indicators of ensuring the investment attractiveness of the enterprise




financial indicators, models for assessing the level and matrix of identification of the state of investment attractiveness of the enterprise, matrix of zoning and perspective positioning of investment attractiveness of the enterprise.


Introduction. It is now clear that in the postwar period Ukraine will be in other economic realities, which will require a diffe­rent economic policy and give a chance to create a new economic structure that will move from primary and agricultural type to high-tech.

Problem. Improving of the financial com­ponent of methodological approaches to the diag­nosis of investment attractiveness is one of the key points to increase the efficiency of the entire management process, which will ensure the com­peti­tiveness of the enterprise and in­crease its market value.

The aim of the article is to substantiate the system of financial indicators to ensure the investment attractiveness of the enterprise and to develop tools for its evaluation.

Methods. General scientific and empirical techniques based on a systematic approach such as generalization, comparison, analysis, synthesis and formalization were used in the paper.

Results. Investment attractiveness of the enter­prise is a complex multifaceted concept, which should characterize not only the possible efficiency of the invested funds, but also reflect the prospects for further investment develop­pment of the enterprise. The authors proposed a system of financial indicators to ensure the investment attract­tiveness of the enterprise, based on establish­ment of the relationships of the main perfor­mance markers and determination of their im­pact into the investment activities of the enter­prise.

Conclusions. Integrated use of a two-rank system of financial indicators to ensure the investment attractiveness of the enterprise will significantly increase the level of informa­tiveness and reliability of the results, ensure the effectiveness of the process of assessing the level, condition and zoning of investment attrac­tiveness in the current period,  and forecast the prospects for its investment development in the planning period, and will serve as a basis for further research and development in this area.

Author Biographies

Nataliya HRYNYUK, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department
of World Economy

Larysa DOKIIENKO, International University of Finance

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Finance


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How to Cite

HRYNYUK Н., & DOKIIENKO Л. (2022). Financial indicators of ensuring the investment attractiveness of the enterprise. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 122(3), 81–96.