Labour market in post conflict state of a country


  • Kateryna SHYMANSKA Zhytomyr State Technological University


migration, forced migration, asylum seekers, refugees, post-conflict area, terrorist threats, military conflicts


Background. Considering the European integration vector of Ukraine’s development, it should be remembered that recently migration issues for the European Union become more urgent, particularly in the context of the regional security, overcoming of terroristic threats and avoiding a humanitarian catastrophe due to the mass immigration of refugees from the Middle East.
Analysis of last researches and publications has shown that despite the presence of certain scientific developments, the nature of emigration process from Ukraine at the current stage needs to be studied for identifying areas of prospective management for migration.
The Purpose of the article is the study of the state and preconditions of refugees’ migration in post-conflict status in the country (on the example of Eastern Partnership countries).
Materials and methods. The study used analytical methods of data processing, in particular Eurostat and the World Bank databases on issues of number, gender and age structure of refugees and those seeking asylum in the world, as well as methods of theoretical generalization of leading scientists’ research results.
Results of the study. Based on the study of dynamics of the number of requests of Ukrainian citizen for asylum in the EU determined that the growing number of asylum seekers from our country caused by military actions in Donbas. This situation corresponds to the general trends of similar processes in the Eastern Partnership countries where the migration processes had mostly post-conflict nature.
According to the results of the study, the effects of political and security determinant of the migration motivation of refugees in post-conflict areas around the world have been outlined.
Conclusion. The results of the study determined that refugees usually come from countries with low and lower middle incomes that can be explained by patterns of growth of military tension or reactionary political ideas or terrorist attacks in countries with low index of human development and anti-democratic regimes. However, the most developed countries (in particular EU) today are characterized by extremely high terrorism threats, and providing asylum to refugees in these countries exacerbates political and integration polemics caused by problems of integration and humanitarian support to migrants.
In view of the strengthening of worldwide problems associated with refugees migration and aggravation of social, economic, political and security problems, the studies of asylum seekers migration from Ukraine gain relevance today. By examining the characteristics of active military and political conflicts in the modern world map it was found that the prevailing determinants of refugees migration from post-conflict areas is the aggravation of the military-political confrontation and the emergence of terrorist threats.

Author Biography

Kateryna SHYMANSKA , Zhytomyr State Technological University

Ph. D. in Economics, associate professor,
associate professor of Department of International Economics


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How to Cite

SHYMANSKA К. (2017). Labour market in post conflict state of a country. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 91(2), 50–60. etrieved from

