
  • Olha KORENIUK Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Information with the limited access, confidential information, trade secret, know-how, insider information, economic relations


BackgroundInformation becomes important in the economic sphere, particularly in business, acting as an independent object of economic turnover, as well as an important prerequisite for the successful conduct of business by economic entities. In this regard, a special role is assigned to the legislative regulation and to ensure the protection of the rights of so-called «information objects» owners, including the classified information.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. Despite the fact that the category of «information with limited access»is the subject of research of many legal sciences – the theory of state and law, information law, administrative law, criminal law, civil law, etc. – the issue of assigning the specified type of information to objects of economic relations remains uninvestigated.
The aim of the article is the research of separate information with limited access as objects of economic legal relations, and peculiarities of its legal regulation.
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the research were such general scientific and special methods as dialectical, system-functional, comparative and logical, and others. The information base for the research was the current legislation on information with restricted access and the work of domestic scientists.
Results. The information with the limited access as an object of economic and legal relations is investigated. The information that is subject to protection in the mode of restricted access in economic activities is determined. The signs of restricted access in civil and administrative law are provided. The peculiarities of economic and legal regulation of the restriction of access to information are determined.
Conclusion. Information with the limited access as an object of economic relations includes: business information of the entity, information about business entity, production secrets. The peculiarity of the economic and legal regulation of restricting access to certain information is the combination of the private and law method of regulation and the public and law method.

Author Biography

Olha KORENIUK , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Senior lecturer of Department of International Private, Commercial and Civil Law


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How to Cite

KORENIUK О. (2018). INFORMATION WITH THE LIMITED ACCESS AS AN OBJECT OF ECONOMIC RELATIONS . oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 97(2), 91–100. etrieved from