
  • Anzhela KORIAGINA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


crime victim, victim, victimization of a person, relationships, conflict, determination


Background. According to the main provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person, his/her life and health, honor and dignity, personal immunity and security are recognized as the highest social values. Unfortunately, the large-scale political and economic transformations taking place in our state are accompanied by aggravation of social contradictions and contribute to the growth of confrontation, brutality and aggression in various forms of interpersonal interaction, in particular the commission of crimes against the person and his/her property, while the peasant requires to look at the person as an individual who is a participant of social relations, and, meanwhile, has its own unique individual characteristics and internal (subjective) features.
The aim of the article is to conduct a theoretical analysis of the victim of a crime, to which led the deviant relations of the victim with the criminal.
Materials and methods. The scientific and theoretical basis of the research is the works of the Ukrainian and foreign criminologists, as well as other legal scientists on mentioned topic. General and special research methods are used in correlation in order to solve research’s tasks. Constitution of Ukraine, criminal and criminal procedural legislation, as well as other laws and regulations, are the normative basis of the article
Results. The author, basing herself on the main positions in defining the concepts of the victim of the crime and the identity of the offender, proposed her own definitions of these categories with regard to «crimes of relationships». The defining feature of the victim and the offender in the «crimes of relationships»is the existence of a relationship between them that has led to the victimization of one subject and the criminalization of another.
Conclusion. The victim of the «crime of relationships»is an individual who, as a result of or in the course of his/her relationship with the criminal, has been directly, or indirectly, harmed physically, morally or materially.
The defining sign of the victim, who was harmed as a result of, or on condition of the relationships with the criminal, is the existence between them exactly those relationships that led to his/her victimization. 

Author Biography

Anzhela KORIAGINA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Juridical Sciences (PhD), associate professor of the department of general law disciplines


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How to Cite

KORIAGINA А. (2018). THE CATEGORY «VICTIM OF RELATIONSHIP CRIME» IN LEGAL SCIENCE . oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 97(2), 32–40. etrieved from

