State support for the development of agricultural advisory activity




agrarian policy, budget regulation, state support, foreign experience, Ministry of Economy, legal support, agricultural advisory activities.


Background. Overcoming the crisis of the economy of Ukraine is impossible without the legal provision of state interests of agricultural producers. Improving the legal mechanisms of budget support for agricultural advisory activity remains an important part of the problem of legal regulation of relations in the agricultural sector. 
Analysis of resent researches and publications. It is established that only some representatives of domestic economic and legal science, such as M. Bloodless, T. Kovalenko, R. Korinets, N. Pokhilenko, L. Taranenko, B. Swanson and R. Rajalahti, J. Gayo and others have some achievements in studying the problems of legal regulation of agrarian advisory relations.
The aim of the article is to characterize the state of legal regulation of budget support for agricultural advisory as an important socio-economic activity for the development of our country and justify the feasibility of further budget support by the state for such activity.
Material and methodsThe information base of the research was the current normative legalacts of Ukraine, the works of scientists. The methodological basis of the study was the general scientific and special legal methods of cognition, the use of which provided a high degree of reliability of the results.
Results. The Law of Ukraine «On Agricultural Advisory Activities» defines: advisory as one of the methods of implementation of state policy in the field of agriculture. This law also guarantees the allocation of budget funds for the financing of the state targeted program of agricultural advisory activities. An analysis of the official position of the Ministry of Economy leads to the conclusion that the state does not intend in 2020 to provide state support to entities of advisory activity. The author substantiates the flawed position of the Ministry of Economy and the defense of the position on the provision of state budget support for agricultural advisory activity, as evidence, respectively, statistical material, facts of failure to comply with regulations, and examples of foreign experience.
Conclusion. State support for advisory activities is a way of effectively influencingthe state to raise the incomes of agricultural producers and maintain sustainable development of rural areas. The low level of development of the advisory system in Ukraine impairs the competitiveness of the agricultural sector entities. The domestic agricultural advisory system is to be financed from the state budget in 2020. The proof of the effectiveness of such state support is that government spending on advisory activities can be offset by an increase in agricultural yield and, accordingly, will be repaid due to an increase in the level of tax revenue from agrarian entities.

Author Biography

Victor MUSHENOK , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Laws, Associate Professor, Professor


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How to Cite

MUSHENOK В. (2020). State support for the development of agricultural advisory activity. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 108(1), 63–72.