Promotion of travel services


  • Volodymyr GLUSHKO Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


tourist service, tourist product, promotion of tourist services, means of promotion, sales of tourist product


BackgroundThe development of a modern tourism business in the economic arena of any country in the world is based on the construction of a clear and well-developed system of tourist services. Therefore, the definition of the essence of the promotion of tourism services as an integral system becomes relevant. For such a system, it is important to identify the channels and means by which the promotion of travel services will take place, taking into account current rapid economic changes.
Analysis of recent research and publications. A significant contribution to the development of scientific thought on the issues of research was made by domestic and foreign scientists, whose works covered the conceptual foundations of tourist services and offered variants of their distribution system.
The aim of the article is to reveal the essence of the process of promoting tourist services as a coherent system.
Materials and methods. The basis of the study was the materials of the World Economic Forum in Geneva, 2013 on the competitiveness of tourism business enterprises; scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, which cover the issues of promotion and marketing of tourism products and services. To achieve the goal, the author used the methods of logical generalization, analysis, synthesis and system method.
Results. The author defines the essence of the tourist service in view of the increasing individualization of demand. Their classification has been supplemented taking into account the place and possibilities of their consumption. The definition of «promotion of tourist services»is proposed. The methods of sales of tourist product are analyzed and supplemented.
Conclusion. Promotion of own tourism services is of great importance for the successful operation of enterprises in the tourist market. However, their technologies remain unexplored, requiring identification and scientific definition. In the context of existing and new classification features that characterize travel services from the point of view of the place and the possibilities of consumption, the definition of this concept is further developed and has a clear interpretation. The essence of the concept of «promotion of tourism services»covers not only the system of marketing communications, aimed directly at the consumer, but also consists in the development of a set of activities by a tourist enterprise, aimed at the subjects of tourism business (support in the sales process, increased remuneration, concessional terms of cooperation, etc.) to get a leading position in the tourist market.

Author Biography

Volodymyr GLUSHKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Postgraduate student of the Department of Tourism and Recreation
of the Kiev National University of Trade and Economics


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How to Cite

GLUSHKO В. (2018). Promotion of travel services. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 96(1), 86–96. etrieved from

